Jumaat, Disember 28, 2007

Faber Drive- Tongue Tied.

Selasa, Disember 11, 2007

And I feel so lonely

I really feel lonely rite now. I dunno why. Maybe bcoz I have nobody to talk to, I guess. So sad!

Sometimes I feel so jealous with the other people. They look so happy. Nope, I didn't mean that I'm not happy with my life but I just dunno how to describe it. I wish I could have someone that I can talk to and sharing my happiness and sadness. Yeah,I wish I could!

Hmm, why I'm feeling blue tonite?! OMG! I'll have a paper tomorrow morning and I still can write something on my blog?! Gosh! Wake up,please..!! Go and study..!! hahahaha.

Khamis, Disember 06, 2007


Macam shial je...!! Aku ingatkn cuti sem aku 3 mggu. Alih² FTF schedule start 7 Jan 2008. What a $h!t la!! Baru ingt nk blk kg 25 Dec sbb last paper aku 22 Dec tapi kalo blk by X'mas eve ke.. rugi la cuti aku. Babun btol..!

Management baru ni da huru-harakan semester aku. Now, FHSS da jadi FESS. Ntah ape kebende nama baru tu ntah. Malas aku nk amik tau. Lecturer aku ckp aritu diorg(mgmt baru) nk jd kan 3 sem ke 2 sem sama cam IPTA. Adoi, kami bkn IPTA laa..!! Kalau da long sem break jd 2 mggu je, btolla tu apa yg lecturer aku bgtau dlm kelas aritu. No short sem lg pasni tapi how bout us who'll taking the major subject next sem..?? Ishh.. tak puas atie btol la aku!! Bila aku nk ada cuti panjang ni? Dah la cuti kami yg paling panjang pn cuma 3 mggu lebih je. Tak sampai sebulan. So sad!

I'm going crazy with the new management! Aaaaaaaaaa....!!!!!!!!!!!!!